My First Hundred Years
"My First Hundred Years: The Memoirs of Nellie Nakamura from 1902-2002" is a stirring account of Rui Suzuki's journey from 1868 Meiji-era Japan to America; and her daughter's Nellie's life in California orchards, WWII-era Heart Mountain, WY internment camp; and resettlement in what was about to become Silicon Valley. Nellie's reminiscences of key moments and daily life are intermingled with concurrent US and world historical events.
Edited by Shizue Seigel, based on interviews by Chris Kobayashi, Margaret Emmy Cooper, and Shizue Seigel. (First published privately in 2003 as "A Century of Change: The Memoirs of Nellie Yae Sumie Nakamura").
©2019 by David Nakamura, published by Pease Press.
8.5 x 11 inches, 197 pages, paperback.
100+ black and white photos.