Oakland Hills+Pleasanton Ridge (RHP)
Like Olmsted's old Central East Bay map, the north side of cartographer Dave Baselt's Oakland Hills and Pleasanton Ridge map shows EBRPD's Redwood, Sibley, Huckleberry, and Anthony Chabot Regional Parks, plus EBMUD's permit-only trails in the San Leando Watershed, and Las Trampas Regional Wilderness.
The southern map starts at Castro Valley and Hayward, and centers on Garin/Dry Creek and Pleasanton Ridge Regional Parks, stopping at Union City and the little town of Sunol. Although the south map still has quite a bit of private land and EBRPD land banks, there's plenty to explore. Had Jerry Olmsted ever done a third East Bay Hills, this area would surely have been on it. But it's been a long time coming! Pleasanton Ridge park has more than doubled in size, the Ridge Trail now connects from Castro Valley to Garin, and will soon connect to Niles Canyon and Hwy. 84 (you can pencil it in when it happens). Lots to explore!
Double-sided, waterproof plastic.
26 x 39 inches, folds to 4.4 x 9 inches.
1:25,000 scale (2.6 inches = 1 mile)
Published by Redwood Hikes Press